1st Place Platinum - Modern/Contemporary

1st Place Platinum - Hip Hop

2nd Place Platinum - Jazz


Harmony Dance Ensemble Wins Top Honors at Competition March 21 2015!

Read All About It!

Harmony Dance Ensemble 's Winter Showcase is a success! 

Mayor People, of Union, visits HDC's August 23rd (2014) Open House!

Harmony Dance Center's

Miss DeeDee with

Mayor Suzette Cavadas

at Union's 3rd Annual

Women's History Month Celebration

~ March 26th 2018 ~

Harmony Dance Ensemble Wins Top Honors at Competition May 2017!

HDE visits Broadway Dance Center for Master Classes in New York City!

Harmony Dance Ensemble's 2nd Annual Winter Showcase is a Hit!

Thanks to all of our students who did an amazing job dancing through the Summer Fun!

HDE takes Top Honors in Competition on April 10th 2021

Congratulations to our Back-to-School Raffle Winner:

Taylor Curry

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Free Raffle!!!

Harmony Dance Center dancers get into the spirit with Wacky Accessory Week!

Miss DeeDee, HDC Director, is announced as the Recipient of the 2016

"Community Leadership Award" from the National Black MBA Association's New Jersey Chapter!


Daddy-Daughter Dance, Feb. 16th 2020

Harmony Dance Ensemble Wins Top Honors at Competition May 21st - 22nd 2016!

CALL: 908-688-7224 (office) or 908-267-9324 (cell)

 EMAIL: DeeDee@HarmonyDanceNJ.com

1422 Morris Avenue Union NJ 07083

Harmony Dance Ensemble at TURN IT UP CONVENTION November 13th, 2016!